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Womens records
The club's statistics are based on records maintained by Peter Foley from PlayHQ, MyCricket and pre-MyCricket records. The records are for games played up to end of the 2023-24 season.
Match summary
Match records
Overall match summary
Won Outright | Won 1st Inn | Lost Outright | Lost 1st Inn | Tied | Drawn | Total |
0 | 86 | 0 | 104 | 0 | 28 | 218 |
2010-11 2011-12
Minor premierships
High score
163 A. Smith Bluestar 2011-12
Best bowling
6 for 18 P. Guy Norths 2012-13
Innings records
Record Name | Score | Opposition | Year |
Highest Innings For | 9-421 | Bluestar | 2011-12 |
Lowest Innings For | 32 | Norths | 2004-05 |
Highest Innings Against | 1-303 | Weston Creek | 2003-04 |
Lowest Innings Against | 3 | Norths | 2008-09 |
Wicket partnerships in grade
Wicket | Runs | Batsmen | Opposition | Season |
10th | 13 | L. Steele (5*) - J. Garvey (9) | Queanbeyan | 2006-07 |
10th | 13 | K. McLachlan (15*) - S. Foley (1) | Norths | 2011-12 |
1st | 127 | A. Smith (163) - K. O'Sullivan (29) | Bluestar | 2011-12 |
2nd | 178 | A. Smith (163) - K. Britt (99) | Bluestar | 2011-12 |
3rd | 147 | K. Boyd (63) - P. Guy (44) | Queanbeyan | 2004-05 |
4th | 92 | E. Johnson (9*) - P. Guy (53*) | Norths | 2012-13 |
5th | 64 | P. Guy (38*) - L. Bayfield (18) | Eastlake | 2004-05 |
6th | 40 | P. Guy (32*) - K. McLachlan (16) | Jetset | 2011-12 |
7th | 33 | A. Visser-Connolly (35) - V. Field (15) | 2022-23 | |
8th | 49 | T. Coghlan (13*) - K. Leske (18*) | Norths | 2013-14 |
9th | 31 | E. Mitchell (10) - V. Field (15) | Tuggeranong | 2021-22 |
9th | 31 | C. Herbert (10) - V. Field (9*) | Ginninderra | 2021-22 |
Matches in grade
Matches | Name | Career |
140 | P. Guy | 2003-15 |
66 | S. Foley | 2007-14 |
65 | F. White | 2007-14 |
61 | J. Curnow | 2005-11 |
55 | L. Steele | 2003-10 |
50 | K. McLachlan | 2010-16 |
Minor premierships
High score
Best bowling
Wicket partnerships
Matches - grade
Innings records
Batting records
Runs in grade
Runs | Name | Career |
2361 | P. Guy | 2003-14 |
Most runs by season
Season | Player | Runs | Average |
2003-04 | P. Guy | 178 | 35.6 |
2004-05 | K. Boyd | 284 | 35.5 |
2005-06 | P. Guy | 266 | 29.6 |
2006-07 | P. Guy | 255 | 28.3 |
2007-08 | P. Guy | 229 | 25.4 |
2008-09 | P. Guy | 199 | 33.2 |
2009-10 | K. O'Sullivan | 175 | 58.3 |
2010-11 | K. O'Sullivan | 157 | 78.5 |
2011-12 | A. Smith | 334 | 66.8 |
2012-13 | P. Guy | 254 | 36.3 |
2013-14 | A. McCormick | 309 | 51.5 |
2021-22 | A. Slocombe | 77 | 15.4 |
2022-23 | H. Haford-Smith | 302 | 75.5 |
2023-24 | N. Lynch | 237 | 59.3 |
Score | Name | Opposition | Season |
163 | A. Smith | Bluestar | 2011-12 |
Most runs - grade
Centuries - grade
Most runs - season
Most wickets - grade
Bowling records
Wickets in grade
Wickets | Name | Career |
110 | P. Guy | 2003-15 |
Leading wicket-taker by season
Coming soon
7 wickets
F. White Queanbeyan 2009-10
Leading wicket-taker - season
7 wickets
Hat tricks
Most dismissals - grade
Fielding records
Dismissals in grade
Dismissals | Catches | Stumpings | Name | Career |
62 | 62 | 0 | P. Guy | 2003-15 |
Most dismissals in a season
13 G. O'Keefe 2006-07
Most catches in a season (Fielder)
15 P. Guy 2012-13
Most catches in a season (Keeper)
6 G. O'Keefe 2006-07
Most stumpings in a season
7 G. O'Keefe 2006-07
Most dismissals - season
Most catches - season (Fielder)
Most catches - season (Keeper)
Most stumpings - season
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